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2014/9/20 與CEO對談 - 王克寧 (如何營造成功的職涯:追求夢想、堅持原則、勇敢做自己)



1. 努力學習、把握機會、自我實現

2. 系統性學習、深度思考

3. 機會是掌握在自己的手上 
       “McKinsey 30秒電梯理論” - 源自於McKinsey (麥肯錫公司) 一次沉痛的教訓。


         An elevator pitchelevator speech, or elevator statement is a short summary used to quickly and simply define a person, profession, product, service, organization or event and its value proposition.
         The name "elevator pitch" reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver the summary in the time span of an elevator ride, or approximately thirty seconds to two minutes. The term itself comes from a scenario of an accidental meeting with someone important in the elevator. 
         A variety of people, including project managers, salespeople, evangelists, and policy-makers, commonly rehearse and use elevator pitches to get their point across quickly.
        (Source: Wiki)

4. 知道自己的目標、堅持理想

5. 沒有別人幫忙是做不到的
    People buy from people. (人們彼此相互購買)
    People make the difference. (可以在平凡中造就非凡)

6. 如何達成“雙贏”?
    --> 傾聽、尋找共同點、跳出既有框架

7. 如何尋找適合自己的工作?
    --> (1) 行業發展性 
          (2) 同業排名 
          (3) 自己對公司的貢獻 

8. 應培養的能力:
    --> (1) Passion (熱忱) 
          (2) Execution (執行力) 
          (3) Professional knowledge (專業知識)
          (4) Judgement (判斷力)  

9. CEO的特質:正直、誠信最重要。 

10. 推薦書籍:
     -- "世界是平的"...第二版 (The World is Flat, 2nd edition)
     -- "你要如何衡量你的人生" (How Will You Measure Your Life?)